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Leadership & Team Coaching

Reach your and your team's potential

There are two kinds of coaching we provide:


1. Leadership Coaching for the executive leader, middle leader, new leader or emerging leader

2. Team coaching for leadership and executive teams.  

Some of the greatest benefits of executive and leadership team coaching include: 

  1. Increased self and team awareness about what gets in the way of effectiveness

  2. Improved clarity of purpose and direction 

  3. More strategic focus on and prioritization of impactful work

  4. Less fear of the unknown and the ambiguous

  5. Willingness of leader and leadership teams to confront difficult decisions, resolve conflicts, work through tension, and develop productive collaboration.  

  6. Increased willingness to embrace fears

  7. Identification of unproductive behaviors and development of more productive ways to respond

  8. Enhanced ability to connect with employees 

  9. Improved work/life balance

  10. Increased accountability  

"Randall Thacker LLC's coaches have a unique ability to make you feel safe, which allows you to open up and share the real issues that are impacting your success as a leader."  


"My coach helped me finally address the biggest challenges that were holding me back from becoming the kind of leader that my team wanted to follow and trust."  

"Leadership coaching with Randall Thacker LLC has improved my strategic focus, time management, self-awareness, communication skills, and ability to manage up and down the organization."

Request a coaching consultation to learn more about our coaching approach.

Leadership & Team Coaching: Services
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